Category: PPE

Scotland can – and must – learn from Sweden’s electric road

By Jamie Paterson, 13 January 2022 As Scotland moves towards a greener future, radical development in infrastructure is needed to legitimise the Scottish Government’s claim to climate leadership. From 2030, the sale of new combustion vehicles, including cars, vans, and lorries, will be prohibited in the UK. This, alongside electric vehicles’ (EV) increasing share of

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The European Green Deal. How can the EU reform its fiscal framework to meet its climate targets?

By Sebastian Kiecker, 13 January 2021 The European Union (EU) has economically underperformed for years facing difficulties in maintaining its economic competitiveness and investment rates (EIB 2019). The EU’s restrictive fiscal framework, the stability and growth pact (SGP), and fiscal consolidation have made matters worse by preventing member states from financing the investments necessary to

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Richard Leonard – Confidence or No Confidence?

Richard Leonard was elected as Labour’s leader in Scotland in November 2017 with a brief to re-establish his party as a force in Scottish politics. However, he has been unable to do so. Just as before, Scottish Labour have not threatened the SNP’s monopoly on power. Instead, it competes, a diminished force, with the Scottish

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